Your Top Tips for Storing and Handling Essential Oils
We’re here for all the hype surrounding essential oils. Using essential oils should still be done with caution in practice from their therapeutic and aromatic benefits. Beyond their amazing healing properties, it’s also important to store and handle them in the most appropriate ways.
Read on to discover the following essential oil storage and handling tips you need right now.
5 Tips for Storing Essential Oils
- Never keep essential oils in anything other than a dark, cool glass. Many essential oils degrade when exposed to high temperatures.
- Essential oils for cooking should be kept away from the heat of the stove or oven.
- Assemble the bottle lids securely. Too-loose lids allow essential oils to evaporate. They lose their medicinal properties as well as their aroma.
- Keep essential oils out of children's reach. They should be handled in the same way that you would any other dangerous substance in your home. These are concentrated essences, and children should not use them.
- Essential oils keep their potency longer than dried herbs, seeds, and flowers. When stored properly, essential oils retain their flavour and aroma for years. Essential oils have a plethora of advantages!
5 Tips for Handling Essential Oils
- Measure drops onto a clean stainless steel spoon before adding to any recipe. They quickly evaporate, and you don't want any extra drops in your mix. A single drop can significantly boost the overall strength of the batch.
- If the bottle cannot be used, a clean pipette should be used to avoid contamination.
- Before applying essential oils to the skin, always dilute them with a carrier oil.
- When applied incorrectly or directly, essential oils can cause sensitivity or even burns. If you get essential oil on your skin, wash it off with a generous amount of carrier oil. Never use water to remove oil from your skin. After diluting essential oils with a carrier oil, remove the residue with soap and water.
- Use essential oils sparingly on sensitive areas of the body, such as the eyes and ears.
5 Warnings of Using Essential Oils
- When working with children, use essential oils with caution. Certain essential oils have been linked to toxic seizures in some people.
- Avoid essential oils that are contraindicated if you have epilepsy.
- Dilute essential oils for topical application according to the recipe. Never use water on irritated skin. If essential oils get into your eyes or cause skin irritation, flush them right away and dilute them with a safe carrier oil.
- Follow the product's directions. The restrictions and precautions for using each essential oil are clearly labelled.
- If you believe someone has consumed an excessive amount of essential oils or has burned your mouth or throat, contact Poison Control.
Certain essential oils have the potential to interact with prescription and over-the-counter medications. If you are unsure whether essential oils are right for you, talk to your doctor.
While essential oils are great as an addition to one’s lifestyle, one must still be cautious at the same time. They must be used sparingly and kept or stored away from children and other substances. And with these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to keep your collection of essential oils and use them as you wish!
Are you looking for the best Australian essential oils? Boswellia offers 100% pure, therapeutic grade, and organic essential oils. Shop our collection today!